You Came In To This Life With Your Purpose

Written In Your Solar Secrets.

The Sun Is The Key To Uncover These Secrets Of Who You Really Are

Solar Secrets: Your 3-Month Adventure of Soul!

There is a specific energy we are each here to work on at a soul level. Each year we enter into a new "house" that we are here to DEEP DIVE into. We do it whether we are conscious and aware of it or not.

Life takes on a whole different meaning when you can actually see what is happening and how things are happening for you. You can plan and prepare for things instead of feeling like you are always trying to catch up. Your life can flow in beautiful ways instead of feeling like you are swimming against the current and getting taken under from time to time.

Astrology is a magical tool and your birth chart is an actual map of how you are here to journey through life.

Wouldn't it be nice to be able to read the map?

Enter Solar Secrets! Where we go on a Soul Journey with how our Sun — our life force energy, vitality, will to exist, shine, & illuminate — directs us and shows us who we are learning to be.

This Will Help You:

  • Plan out your personalized year according to your personal energy.

  • Go deeper in a specific area of life based on your birth chart.

  • Get out of the spin cycles! If you know what's coming you can get the support in your life to help you shift and change.

  • Learn to work with your chart in fun and meaningful ways.

"Learning how I operate according to my chart is like learning the secrets of ME!"

Kim goes beyond the basic way that so many people use Astrology. She truly understands how to work with your charts as a magical roadmap personalized to you so that you can deeply get to know yourself as you are designed. It's all there in your charts. You can excavate and develop your best and truest self from Astrology.

- Jen B, Intuition School

Meet Kimberly Renay

Cosmic Soul Connector

I help you uncover the hidden parts of soul and reconnect you with your soul truths through Astrology, pets, intuitive soul painting, oracles. I love guiding people through their birth chart soul map as you journey through life.

The more you can discover YOU, the more you are in your purpose naturally.

I was called into Astrology when an Astrologer told me that I came in with what I'm here to teach and it required me to know who I am.

So I started learning about myself through Astrology. I began by studying with Debra Silverman who combines Esoteric (Soul-centered) Astrology with psychology, and then I dove into Hellenistic (traditional) Astrology, studying with Adam Elenbas and Kelly Surtees, which opened up these beautiful ancient techniques to bring in more layers and deeper levels of self discovery.

It was when I learned about "Profection" years that it was revealed to me that your different charts (birth chart, progressed chart, & solar return chart) actually form a magical map that guides you throughout your entire life. When you know how to read your map, the journey of your life becomes infinitely easier.

I'm here to help you read your map so you can live your best life!

Solar Secrets

Learn To Read The Map Of Your Soul


  • Solar Secrets Playbook (Value $47)

  • 3 Trainings - 1 Per Month (Value $497)

  • 12 Weekly Q+A Calls with Your Chart (Value $1000)

  • Private FB Group to Journey Together (Value $297)

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What People Are Saying About Kim

"Love. Love. Love the first video!  Thanks!  Great intro to this magical mystery adventure with Mercury. I particularly love the way you explained Sag and Cap and gave us adjectives and roles for each of them. Printed my workbook and got my journal ready and I'm diving in!"

"Ok and I almost don't want mercury retrograde to end this has been so wonderful"

"Came down to earth to land firmly today with the details all coming together to form a crystal clear vision - a clarity many weeks and months in the making It's as if heart, mind and where I'm actually at (body?) has finally aligned and I know my why and how to articulate it. Mercury Retrograde and Mercury Mysteries magic THANK YOU!"

"I've already written down 4 clues for today that are coming in as ahas that I'm having, emotions that I'm feeling, and insights about my business and something I have experienced over the last several years. I can't wait to put this all together at the end!!"

"Love this reading! You really hit on a lot of things. Thanks for your insights and thanks for the Mercury Mysteries journey."

"Wow, thank you for all this lovely info! Oh interesting, I like that perspective that it's something to learn or it's already in our nature."

"I just put together the pieces of the puzzle. And this is exciting. Woah! I'm stunned by how the puzzle pieces are coming together! I didn't expect it to be so clear."

"I love how the pieces of the puzzle are coming together. It just makes me realize, as I'm over here putting my own pieces together, how powerful of a tool astrology would be if we utilized it to its fullest as we are growing businesses and going through life."

"I am so absolutely enjoying it! You've opened my perspective to astrology and ignited a love for the stars in me. Your way of looking at these patterns is so different and reassuring. And you are kind and knowledgeable and passionate and playful all in one. Thank you so much for this experience."

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